Perspectives : An alternative perspective of the modern human condition

96 pages de NAM ISAY
Perspectives : An alternative perspective of the modern human condition NAM ISAY

Perception is the key to how you experience your life.

With the world moving so fast and the pressures of trying to keep up it is easy to feel like you are playing catch up.

In these pages you are encouraged to explore the meaning of your life.

To understand how you perceive it and see new your future through perspectives.

You are key to your life. Through new perspectives you learn to unlock and understand the real you. The powerful you.

Publié le 19 Juin 2018

Les statistiques du livre

  5755 Classement
  10 Lectures 30 jours
  1060 Lectures totales
  -566 Progression
  0 Téléchargement
  1 Bibliothèque

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